Risk Management.

Good risk management is fundamental to an organisation achieving its aims and is at the heart of good governance. The primary aim of risk management is to enable you to identify possible risks to achieving the aims of your organisation and to allow you to set up procedures to avoid the risk or better cope with its impact. All with a view to safeguarding your organisation.

Underneath you will find several links and resources to assist with your organisation’s approach to risk management.

Risk Register Template and Risk Scoring Matrix:

Use the Risk Register template to record and analyse your organisation’s risks and the controls in place. The Risk Register should be completed with reference to the Risk Scoring Matrix. The risk register should become a “working document” within your organisation, to be reviewed at regular intervals. Click on the links below to download the relevant documents:

Risk Register Template (excel)

Risk Scoring Matrix (word)

Cyber Essentials:

Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a range of the most common cyber-attacks. https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk

Disability Discrimination Act:

The Act may require you to modify your premises to take account of access and other safety considerations affecting disabled employees, visitors or customers who use your premises. Details of the general requirements of the Act can be obtained from the Disability Rights Commission at www.drc.org.uk

Health & Safety Information: Visit www.hse.gov.uk where you will also find information on legislation that impacts on what you can and cannot do whilst running your organisation.

Terrorism Information:

Guidance on the measures that should be taken to protect your staff and your organisation, are available from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), which is a police hosted unit that supports the “protect and prepare” strands of the government’s counter terrorism strategy. (NaCTSO). https://www.protectuk.police.uk/